Sunday: If you were conducting an interview; knowing the normal questions people ask; what would you eliminate and what would you include? What’s the reasoning behind your questions? Monday: Fill in the blank: I was sure that someday I would________; but now I’d never think of doing that. Why? Tuesday: You are in a movie theater or a drive in (Pick one), What sights, sounds, smells do you have? What people are around you? What movie are you seeing? What’s in the theater or outside if your at the drive-in? Look at everything. Where are the exits, what’s on the ceilings, is there a balcony? Wednesday: Create a timeline of you and your best friend. When did you meet, things you did together, places you went. Are you still still best friends? Why or why not? Do you have one or more best friends? Thursday: He said, She said. You and your spouse write timelines of from when you first met till now. Do you remember them the same way? What’s different? The same? Friday: If you could o...